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  • Writer's pictureIndependence Elementary

Kindness Krew Part 2

Mrs. Pavia approached me about two 5th grade students (Nigel and Mia) who wanted to start a leadership team to spread kindness. I met with Mia and Nigel to gather their ideas and we brainstormed some ideas for next steps.

In the meantime, I met with Kaylynn Wilcox who wanted to tell me about her and a friend’s (Maci) idea about how they are spreading kindness in their classroom. After meeting with Kaylynn, I came to the realization that Mia and Nigel had the same goal as Kaylynn and Maci and that was to spread kindness throughout our school.

Meeting of the minds

Mrs. Pavia and I decided that we needed to have a “meeting of the minds” and gather these 4 students together and create something out of their wonderful passion.

Once we gathered the 4 students together we developed the idea of the Kindess Krew. The idea is to have 5 members of each grade level be on this leadership team. They would help students out at recess with making friends at the students request. We decided to use Kaylynn and Maci’s idea from their class to have kindness slips and a Kindness Katcher at each grade level pod for students to be able to request the assistance of the Kindness Krew.

Kindness is hard work...but worth the work!

The original 4 (Mia, Nigel, Kaylynn, and Maci) presented at each grade level’s town hall presenting the idea. Application have been distributed to each grade level and will be reviewed by Mrs. O’Rourke and Mrs. Pavia. 5 students from each grade level will be chosen to be on the Krew. The Kindness Krew will meet to go over the ideas for the group and the pilot program will roll out the last 4 weeks of school.

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